By Tal Assa – 31.12.2020
Days before switching to 2021, a second lockdown has started in the Netherlands which resulted in gyms, fitness studios (among them Next Level AMS), and other public places to shut down for the second time in 2020. Evaluating the situation (plus my birthday), I’ve decided there won’t be a better time than this to go on a holiday. I’ve grabbed my partner, rented a campervan and went together on a cruise across the Netherlands. By the time you’ll read these lines we will be down south way beyond Maastricht, nearby the border with our neighbors (Belgium on one side and not too far on the other side Germany).

Having my birthday at the start of the new year is a great time for me to reflect on how I’ve done the past year and to write down my new year’s resolutions. Though it seems that for 2021, I will simply copy paste what was planned for 2020 😀
But seriously, I think that with 2020, we all share the same feelings, and much has already been talked on how challenging this year was, a year that should have been canceled, a year that has made humanity stop. In one word: infamous.

Definitely not an easy year, nevertheless, in this post I want to emphasis a few of the good things that 2020 has brought to us, and to me especially. Ready? Here goes.
If before Corona we took care of our body to maintain good physique, improve condition and grow old stronger and healthier. With COVID-19 that won’t be enough and the older you get the deadlier this disease is for you. With this in mind, a new trending reason to workout on a regular basis has emerged: strengthen the immune system. And for this reason many people are pushing out of their comfort zone to workout harder and eat healthier.

~ And about myself?
A few of the things I’ve mentioned above are already part of my daily routine. As for my business, though I was forced to close down for more than 4 months in 2020 (that’s more than a third of the year!), Next Level AMS has made a huge leap to improve its branding and in providing our clients the expected results through personal training, behavioural changes, and lots of care and attention.
For me, 2020 has helped to be more focused in my business, my life, and the people I care about.
My conclusion: Every challenge we overcome makes us stronger. Every challenge we’ve failed to overcome makes us smarter.

And on that note, I want to say: Thank you 2020, for being so terrible that it helped everyone to learn so much about themselves!
Here’s to a happy and healthy 2021!