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Do This 30 Minute Full Body Workout for Huge Results

By Tal Assa
Most of the time, we make exercising to be more complicated than it is. The truth is exercising 30-45 minutes 3 times a week can make a huge difference in your fitness—because the only thing that getting in shape truly requires is consistency. In other words, if you can only fit a short workout into your schedule, that’s still better than not working out at all! If you already go out for a walk or train with a PT once or twice a week, doing this 30 minutes workout will be a fantastic addition to your training regimon. The key to making a workout actually work is turning up the dial. That’s why your 30 minute workout needs to be a high-intensity interval training (or HIIT) session. 
HIIT is proven to help you burn more fat than regular cardio, lose weight faster, and for people strapped for time, can produce the same or better cardio results than steady state training (like running on the treadmill for 45 minutes) and at the same time will work your entire body, helping you impproving your strength as well. 
The one catch: as you’ll find about halfway through your first HIIT workout, this type of training will wipe you out. So if you’re pretty sedentary but looking for a quick fix, make sure you pay attention to how your body feels while you’re taking your intermittent breaks. Here, we pulled together a high intensity workout routine that you can do at the gym on a busy day. You’ll leave it feeling winded, sweating, and guilt-free.

30 Minute Training Routine

Mix and match the following workouts (or variations that feel good for your body). These are pretty basic moves that require you to master form. Once you (or your personal trainer) feel like you have the moves down, move onto more complicated variations or sub in something else you want to try.
Pro tip: Just as you can mix and match your workouts, vary up your time intervals as well every time you go for this entire workout. That might look like:
30 seconds on (doing as many sets as you can), 30 seconds active rest (meaning you should not completely rest, but more like jogging in place), 45 seconds on 15 seconds active rest, and so on. 
You can also vary the exercises themselves and every time try a different sequence. One option would be cardio exercise followed by a strength exercise or the other way around; another option is two strength exercises followed by a cardio exercise. See a list of exercises below.
Remember, for each of the workouts you’re doing, complete as many as you can in the time allotted.

Upper Body Exercises

Push up

Good old classic push up! Start in a plank position, hands shoulder-width apart, tailbone tucked, eyes looking down at the floor. As you lower yourself down, keep your elbows tucked in and keep your body tight, staying in a straight line. Push back up. That’s one rep.

Seated shoulder press

This one will melt your shoulders! Start by holding two dumbbells, one in each hand next to your shoulders, then press the dumbbells up until they meet next to each other, keep your arms same line with your ears and brace your core, then lower the dumbbells back down next to your  shoulders. That’s one rep.

Renegade rows

The ultimate bodyweight strength exercise. Grab a pull up bar with both hands, keep the grip wider than your shoulders. While bracing your core and flexing your back muscles, start pulling your body up until you reach the bar same line with your eyes. Then lower yourself, slowly and controlled back to the starting position. That’s one rep.

Lower Body Exercises

Squat jump

These will catch up to you fast! Start standing with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Squat down, keeping your head up, back straight, and putting your weight into your heels. Once you’re in a full squat, jump up with a burst of power so your legs can fully extend, and then land back into your squat. That’s one rep.

Weighted lunge walk

With weights in each hand down by your side, step forward, lowering your back knee all the way down until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Come back up, then step forward with the other leg and do the same with the back knee. That’s one rep.

Glute bridge

An outstanding exercise to work your glutes and your lower back muscles. Stabilize your upper back on a bench or a box while keeping your feet on the floor, keeping your them hip width. Then lower your hips down towards the floor and thrust them back up again until you reach same level with your upper body. That’s one rep.

Compound Exercises


Ah, the ever-popular burpee. Start standing. From there, bring your hands down to the ground, arms straight, and jump so that your legs are kicked out behind you. You should be in a plank position. Keeping your arms straight, jump your legs back up to your hands, and stand up straight. That’s one rep.

Kettlebell swing

Hold your kettle bell down in front of you with both hands, arms fully extended. Keeping your arms straight and your back engaged, swing the kettle bell up to be parallel with the floor. Keeping it controlled, as it falls back down to swing between your legs, let the momentum pull you down into a squat position. That’s one rep.

Slam ball burpee

You’ll need a slam ball for this one. Stand straight holding a slam ball over your head. With an explosive motion slam the ball on the floor. From there, bring your hands down to the ground, arms straight, and jump so that your legs are kicked out behind you. You should be in a plank position. Keeping your arms straight, jump your legs back up to your hands, grab the ball and stand up straight lifting the ball over your head. That’s one rep. 

Plank up and down

Start on your elbows, then move up into a push up position and then back down to plank on your elbows. That’s one rep. Keep alternating between plank on your elbows to moving up into a push up position. Keep your back straight, your hips tucked, and your core engaged. Stay here for your allotted amount of time.

Ready to finally meet your personal fitness goals?

Visit Next Level AMS, the top boutique personal training studio in Amsterdam and Amstelveen. State of the line equipment, a professional and kind team of personal trainers and great amenities like VIP personal training room  and Netflix on every treadmill!

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