4 Simple Exercises to Get Your Body Ready for Summer

By Tal Assa
With summer just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what you’ll be revealing when you shed those winter layers. The time to start shaping up for your summer body goals is right now and these exercises will help get you there!
Exercise 1: Squat
Working those legs, squat is one of the best exercises to shape your legs, tone up and burn fat.
How many: Start from 12 without any weight and work your way up to 20. Once you reach that, load some weight to challenge yourself a bit more. Don’t have any extra weight to make things interesting? Try to reach 50 or 75. Just remember, you might feel sore tomorrow or the day after 😉
Start gradually with light weights or simply your own body weight.
Bend your knees to reach lower with your behinds and push back up to stand straight again.
Make sure you don’t cross your tow line with your knees as you lower your behinds.
Exercise 2: Plank with rocking your behinds
Plank is one of the best core strengthening exercises and quite a powerful fat burner.
How long: Start easy with 10-15 seconds and work your way up to 60 seconds or even more.
Make sure you keep your shoulders straight above your hands. You create the movement in your behinds by twisting both your feet from side to side. Make sure you keep your back straight and keep on breathing throughout the exercise.
Exercise 3: Lunges
Lunges, or a single leg squat, is a great exercise to shape the back of your thighs, the hamstrings, and the front of your thighs, the quads. It even works your core stability. Terrific! Start with light weights or simply put your hands on your hips and use your own body weight.
How many: Start from 8 per leg without any weight and work your way up to 12 per leg. Once you reach that, load some weight to challenge yourself a bit more.
Same as squats, make sure you don’t cross your tow line with the knee in your front leg. Also, make sure you always press up and down through the heel with your front log. Your back knee is what actually creates the mechanism to drive you up and down.
Exercise 4: Up down plank
Another great exercise to improve your core muscles and work on your cardio, a package of 2 in 1, what more can you ask for? 🙂
How long: Start easy with 10-15 seconds and work your way up to 60 seconds and beyond.
On the way up, make sure that you put your hands right where your elbows were, just to be sure you hit your core to the max. Also make sure you keep your back straight and keep on breathing throughout the exercise.
Hope you enjoyed! If you did, share with your friends so they would enjoy as well 🙂
Comment below, what is your favourite routine when you want to max your workout?