Are you ready to ditch the winter blues and embrace the warmth of summer? From boosting your mood to enhancing your overall well-being, warm weather has a lot to offer.
Tag archives: Fitness & Exercise
Soundtrack to Success: How Music Enhances Your Workout Experience
Discover the transformative power of music in your workout routine with our in-depth exploration of its benefits. Learn how music enhances performance, reduces fatigue, and uplifts mood, backed by scientific studies.
Next Level AMS 4 Years Anniversary and Amstelveen Wellness Festival
Amstelveen Wellness Festival June 24th, 2023/Next Level AMS Gallery Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Dive into the Chills: The Science of Ice Baths
Dive into the Chills: The Science of Ice Baths July 8th, 2023/Next Level AMS Have you ever wondered what it means to take the plunge into frigid waters and how this chilling practice can aid athletic performance and recovery? Let’s unfreeze the mysteries of ice baths and discover the potential benefits of this cold exposure […]
Best Time to Workout Morning Vs Evening
Morning Vs Evening WorkoutScience Backed Facts June 5th, 2023/Next Level AMS There’s a plethora of contradictory studies about the ideal time to exercise. Advocates for morning workouts assert it kickstarts your metabolism, but those favoring evening workouts argue it doesn’t necessarily assist in weight reduction. Evening enthusiasts believe it enhances sleep quality, but morning advocates […]
The Best Exercises for Every Stage of Pregnancy
The Best Exercises for Every Stage of Pregnancy May 8th, 2023/Next Level AMS As you nurture new life within you, congratulations are in order! If you were active prior to your pregnancy, maintaining a level of activity during your pregnancy is both beneficial and safe for you and your baby’s well-being. As you nurture new […]